...The five played with enormous energy, consummate delicacy, with an intuitive collaboration and infectious passion that captured both the quintet’s fire and its tragic beauty. It brought a tear to the eye....
(Louis Pierard, The Hook review website)
Wednesday, September 19, 2012 - 1:42pm

19 September 2012 - The Aroha Quartet will take part in a concert at St Andrew's on the Terrace in Wellington on 11 October to raise funds to complete the renovation of the church. The other groups performing are the the Dominion and New Zealand String Quartets and the Poneke Trio.

St Andrew's is a popular venue for concerts, including its long-standing series of free Wednesday lunchtime recitals.

The church itself has already been restored. The final stage of the restoration process involves replacing the building to the rear that houses the office, Green Room and toilet facilities with a new community facility, the Welcome Centre.

Aroha Quartet cellist Robert Ibell says "We've performed at St Andrew's and really love its acoustics. The new facilities will make it an even better concert and community venue."

The concert starts at 6:30pm. Tickets are available at www.eventfinder.co.nz/2012/from-haydn-to-hill-st-andrews-on-the-terrace-...

Further details are on the St Andrew's website at http://standrews.org.nz/community/concerts-and-events/