'Aroha Quartet Live' CD on sale

...The five played with enormous energy, consummate delicacy, with an intuitive collaboration and infectious passion that captured both the quintet’s fire and its tragic beauty. It brought a tear to the eye....
(Louis Pierard, The Hook review website)

5 May 2014 - We're very happy to announce the release in NZ of our first live CD. The recording was made available by Radio NZ concert from a concert in Christchurch on 2 October 2012 in the church of St Michael & All Angels.

The CD, selling for $25 (free postage within NZ), contains Haydn's 'Sunrise' Quartet, and the great Quintet in C major by Schubert (with Andrew Joyce, cello).

If you'd like to buy a copy of the CD, you can send us a cheque for $25 (please put your name and address on the back) to Aroha Quartet, 82 Woodland Rd, Johnsonville, Wellington

Alternatively send us your address details by e-mail (contact[at]arohaquartet.co.nz) and pay by Internet banking (KiwiBank a/c 38-9009-0328556-00, Aroha Quartet). Please put your name and 'CD' in the reference fields.