'Aroha Quartet Live' CD on sale

...This was a most engaging performance, full of vitality, expressive intensity and a great commitment to the music, ensuring that the evening was a real joy for the audience throughout....
(Stephen Fisher, Manawatu Standard)

5 May 2014 - We're very happy to announce the release in NZ of our first live CD. The recording was made available by Radio NZ concert from a concert in Christchurch on 2 October 2012 in the church of St Michael & All Angels.

The CD, selling for $25 (free postage within NZ), contains Haydn's 'Sunrise' Quartet, and the great Quintet in C major by Schubert (with Andrew Joyce, cello).

If you'd like to buy a copy of the CD, you can send us a cheque for $25 (please put your name and address on the back) to Aroha Quartet, 82 Woodland Rd, Johnsonville, Wellington

Alternatively send us your address details by e-mail (contact[at]arohaquartet.co.nz) and pay by Internet banking (KiwiBank a/c 38-9009-0328556-00, Aroha Quartet). Please put your name and 'CD' in the reference fields.