Konstanze Artmann replaces Ursula Evans as Aroha Quartet’s second violinist
(Lindis Taylor, "Middle C")
21 December 2018 - We were really sad to say goodbye to our second violinist Ursula Evans at the end of the 2018 season. Ursula joined us at the end of 2017 and fitted in incredibly well. Unfortunately the recurrence of an old injury meant she was unable to play in some of our 2018 concerts and led to her leaving the Quartet later in the year. We loved working with Ursula in the Quartet and are sorry to see her go - but we’re really glad we still have her as a friend and NZSO colleague.
In 2019 we are joined by Konstanze Artmann. Originally from Germany, Konstanze is Principal Second Violinist in Orchestra Wellington and a busy violin teacher. We’re delighted she’s able to join us and are looking forward to having her in the group next year. Welcome, Konstanze!
You can read more about Konstanze [[http://www.arohaquartet.co.nz/about-us/konstanze-artmann|here]].