...…in moments of repose their tone is soft and mellow; in full flood it is mellow and rich; and when filled with ferocity it is rich and loud (and of course ferocious!)....
(Paul Serotsky, Seen and Heard International)
Haihong Liu - violin

Chinese-born NZSO first violinist Haihong is a graduate of the Beijing Central Conservatory of Music in the People's Republic of China, where she won the China National Chamber Music Competition in 1995 with the Beijing String Quartet. As a member of that ensemble she enjoyed a varied international career of concerts, festivals, and competitions throughout China, as well as major cities in Asia and Europe.

After six years teaching as a violin and chamber music lecturer at the Xinghai Conservatory of Music of Guangzhou, Haihong emigrated to New Zealand with her family in 2001, initially joining the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra as sub-principal first violin, and moving to the NZSO in 2002.

With the Aroha String Quartet Haihong enjoys a varied and energetic musical life, touring nationwide.