...…in moments of repose their tone is soft and mellow; in full flood it is mellow and rich; and when filled with ferocity it is rich and loud (and of course ferocious!)....
(Paul Serotsky, Seen and Heard International)

Schubert Octet in Palmerston North

For this programme we are joined by four wonderful guest artists - Nick Walshe (clarinet), Justin Sun (bassoon), Alexander Hambleton (horn) and Oleksandr Gunchenko (double bass) - to present a programme enlivened by the varied timbres of wind instruments. Beginning with the Mozart String Quartet in B-flat K589 we move on to 'Serenata in vano' for Clarinet, Bassoon, Horn, Cello & Double Bass by Danish composer Carl Nielsen. This characterful work depicts a short and unsuccessful attempt at seduction. We finish with Schubert's mighty and virtuosic Octet, a work filled with jaunty dances, singable melodies and heart-rending moments. Tickets $35 General Admission, $25 Concessions, $10 Students from Eventfinda (transaction fees apply).

Tuesday, September 9 2025, 7:30pm - 9:30pm
Aroha String Quartet
Nick Walshe - clarinet, Justin Sun - bassoon, Alexander Hambleton - horn, Oleksandr Gunchenko - double bass
Mozart: String Quartet No 22 in B-flat K 589
Nielsen: 'Serenata in vano' for Clarinet, Bassoon, Horn, Cello & Double Bass
Schubert: Octet in F D803