...accomplished brilliance, soulfulness and sublime intensity in perfect balance and tonal unity...
(Dominion Post)
Monday, August 28, 2017 - 12:01pm

28 August 2017 - Haihong, Zhongxian & Robert are joining well-known community musician Julian Raphael for a 50-minute IHC Accessible Concert presented by Chamber Music New Zealand at Te Whaea (NZ National Dance & Drama Centre, 11 Hutchison Rd, Wellington) at 11am on Wednesday 6 September.

We'll be performing some pieces, there'll be songs led by community musician Julian Raphael, and lots of audience participation. Julian will introduce each piece of music and help you join in if you want to. It will be really relaxed - there are no restrictions for you if you come to this performance, you do not have to worry about disturbing the show. You can sit wherever you like, move around and leave whenever you like! Koha entry.